2011年9月13日 星期二

Adolescent Novels

Adolescent Novels

Our library has bought some adolescent novels these years. They are easier than the novels for adults and fun to read. You might want to check them out.

* The lightning thief; Rick Riordan [813.6  R585  2006; 813.6  R585  2010]
* The Titan's curse; Rick Riordan [813.6  R585  2008]
* The sea of monsters; Rick Riordan [813.6  R585  2008]   
* The battle of the Labyrinth; Rick Riordan [813.6  R585  2008]   
* Twilight ; Stephenie Mayer [813.6  M613  2006]  
* New moon; Stephenie Mayer [813.6  M613  2008]  
* Eclipse; Stephenie Mayer [813.6  M613  2008]
* Breaking dawn; Stephenie Mayer [813.6  M613  2008]

And, of course, let's not forget the Harry Potter books!

